Success Factors for Implementing LegalTech
The best LegalTech can be doomed to fail without a plan. Learn tips for securing support, fostering user involvement and overcoming lawyer skepticism.
The best LegalTech can be doomed to fail without a plan. Learn tips for securing support, fostering user involvement and overcoming lawyer skepticism.
LegalTech aren't just for large in-house legal departments. Learn how 3 small in-house legal teams deployed technology to find efficiency and time...
As you explore legal technology solutions, it’s imperative to get buy-in from your IT department. Here are 10 questions to answer before you meet the...
Ensuring legal software meet information security standards is critical to any procurement decision. This checklist will help you to move through the...
Legal teams face a maze of regulations and a bigger workload. As the work expands, 3 options emerge: Hire more lawyers, spend more on outside lawyers...
4 tips for Legal Departments to make the most of the lessons and expertise delivered at the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium’s 2018 Conference
Check out the findings from the Legal Operations Health Check, including trends and benchmarking data.
Legal operations provides a surprisingly straightforward solution: Track your activity, measure its strategic value, and make smart, data-driven...
All legal teams want to provide the best legal services to their business. It's the basic objective behind legal operations.
It’s important to know what your executives and boards value most and how to leverage legal operations to bolster your most important work...
True stories of in-house legal data driven efficiency from two organisations. Check out the blog if you're also wondering what data can do for you.
How do you quickly and easily change the way your corporate legal team operates for a more effective (and less stressful!) 2018?
We look at how senior counsel approach legal team management, including a useful checklist and set of interview questions for in-house lawyer...
What is it like when LegalTech innovators become sponsors? It turns out that being Australian in the U.S. is definitely an advantage!
Corporate Legal Operations teams are in the box seat to disrupt the legal market - or may be at risk of disruption.
Is the value added by a legal team defined by cost savings or the value of matters worked on, or by the achievement of an organization's strategic...
Xakia attended the Australian ACC National Conference and we noticed a theme - legal teams are seeking ways to understand their own legal function.
By capturing just 1 or 2 data points on work categories, corporate legal data can help achieve collaborative productivity.
Legal matter management for in-house legal teams who need to ruthlessly triage the chaos