How do you manage a 'Contract Lifecycle'?
Getting to 'go' is only the first part of contract management. Post-signature management of the contract throughout its life is equally important.
Getting to 'go' is only the first part of contract management. Post-signature management of the contract throughout its life is equally important.
Contracts are the lifeblood of your organization - do you know where they are stored? What are the top 4 risks of not having a contract repository?
Legal teams are constantly fire-fighting and there is often a disconnect with the wider business. Agile can address these pain points by focusing on...
Streamline legal operations through legal matter management software and Gmail without having to leave your email inbox!
Well funded CLM companies made for lots of Sin City parties, but is that star fading in favor of AI? Will ChatGPT host all the fancy parties next...
Answer these questions to learn how you can get a better handle on your workload for better resourcing, higher ROI and a lot less emotional labor.
As a legal operations system, Agile offers in-house legal departments improved collaboration and communication. How can it work for your legal team?
Having guided 100's of in-house legal teams through LegalTech change management, one thing is clear: it's critical to nurture a pack mentality from...
When utilizing modern matter management techniques, healthcare Legal Departments can run more efficiently, without overly complicated technology.
Too many Government legal teams try to predict their futures with incomplete data. Legaltech can help teams drive smart, data-driven change.
There are steps you can take to implement legal operations that take little time and cost no extra money, but will pay dividends.
It's that time of year for budgets, planning and predictions for the year ahead. When it comes to legal operations, we can share a forecast based on...
Find out how you can gain visibility into your legal matters through Agile. It can help your in-house legal team stay focused and more productive.
Our top tips to prepare your in-house legal team for a quick transition to a virtual and remote working legal department. Bonus tips included!
Without a legal strategic plan, your legal team will be trapped under 'busywork' and unable to accomplish meaningful improvements or demonstrate...
2 months after we launched the Legal Operations Health Check, the responses provide insights into the real state of legal operations in legal...
Legal teams face a maze of regulations and a bigger workload. As the work expands, 3 options emerge: Hire more lawyers, spend more on outside lawyers...
4 tips for Legal Departments to make the most of the lessons and expertise delivered at the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium’s 2018 Conference
Check out the findings from the Legal Operations Health Check, including trends and benchmarking data.
Legal operations provides a surprisingly straightforward solution: Track your activity, measure its strategic value, and make smart, data-driven...
Legal matter management for in-house legal teams who need to ruthlessly triage the chaos