Small legal teams can achieve mega productivity: webinar recording

Learn how to be a small legal team superhero!

With limited resources and bandwidth, smaller legal teams need to think about working smarter, not harder. Watch our webinar on demand as Jodie Baker, Group CEO at Xakia and Kate Sherburn, Legal Counsel at Who Gives A Crap discuss the constraints small legal teams face and how legal matter software helps teams operate more efficiently and collaboratively.

We'll cover:

  • Some of the biggest challenges facing small legal teams today
  • Tips on how to tackle these challenges
  • How matter management tools help address these pain points
  • Learnings along the way

Complete the form and watch the webinar on demand now.

Meet your speakers

Kate Sherburn from Who Gives A Crap discusses how legal matter management tools help small in-house legal teams
Jodie Baker - Xakia

Kate Sherburn
Legal Counsel, Who Gives A Crap

Jodie Baker
Founder & Group CEO, Xakia

Watch the recording now

Additional resources

Take Xakia's legal matter management software for a test drive