What can legal operations do for you?

Xakia white paper - legal operations

Legal operations are about efficiency and effectiveness. While every legal department is different, every organization can see real value from implementing legal operations software and initiatives.

Discover the top seven benefits of legal operations and the low-fuss, high impact steps you can take to get started.

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What can legal operations do for you and your legal team?

Legal operations can help in-house Legal Departments control cost, improve their performance and have a better quality of life.

Specific definitions and methodology vary:

  • The ACC’s ‘maturity model’ offers benchmarks in 14 areas, from change management to compliance to intellectual property management and technology
  • CLOC says the discipline spans 12 core competencies, including data analytics, cross-functional alignment and professional development

The top key benefits of legal operations

  • Smarter resourcing to maximize output for available budget (ROI)
  • Gives you back time so lawyers can do what they do best: practice law
  • Brings admin and 'operations' into one place with a legal operations software, saving your Legal Department time and headache searching through emails, spreadsheets, folders and websites
  • Control over your legal budget
  • Access to legal analytics to inform legal operational efficiencies
  • More cohesive teams
  • Keep your team connected - regardless of location - up to date with legal matters
  • Find opportunities to find inefficiencies and find areas for improvement
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Download the white paper now

Download now: What can legal operations can do for you?

Find out the benefits of legal operations and the low-fuss, high impact steps you can take to started. Download our white paper now!

Additional legal operations resources


Agile 101 for Legal Departments: A System for Stress Relief


How (and Why) Legal Departments Demonstrate Value

LegalTech Change Management - Fostering a Pack Mentality

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