Axiom Medical: Xakia has saved me hundreds of hours of work

Axiom Medical needed a legal matter management software that would organize their intake process and save the in-house Legal Department hundreds of hours of work.

Axiom Medical needed a single source of truth for their legal team.

Axiom Medical

Occupational Health Services

Key results
  • Clear and cost effective matter management process
  • Timely, accurate and demonstrable evidence of legal department performance through reports
  • Consolidated multiple avenues for legal assistance into a single process

For any general counsel who is running a lean legal team for a business, Xakia provides additional evidence of a job well done.”

Chuck Kable
Chief Legal Officer

Chuck Kable from Axiom Medical uses Xakia for all legal matter management solutions

About Axiom Medical

Founded in 1999 in The Woodlands, Texas, Axiom Medical is an industry leader in providing effective, comprehensive and complete occupational health services for the modern workforce. Axiom Medical empower organizations to strategically address workplace health challenges from mental behavioral health and infectious disease control to workers' compensation, disability case management and employee absence management.

Axiom Medical's Legal Department has fluctuated from four to two members, who cover a wide spectrum of legal issues, ranging from contract management to risk and litigation management.

laptop and paper lists

The in-house Legal Department challenge

During the pandemic, Axiom as a business experienced exponential growth after they developed attractive services for manufacturing, meat packing and other industries. As a consequence, the Legal Department faced a huge influx of contract and legal matters over a very short period of time.

With the increased volume, Axiom's previous legal matter management process became chaotic. Requests were coming through a number of different channels, which made legal matters hard to follow and the corporate legal team was responding reactively 100% of the time, said Chuck Kable, Chief Legal Officer.

Matters and tasks were being missed, and there was no way for Chuck to have visibility over the workflows, especially after they expanded their team to four people.

"I knew that I needed to find a solution that could help me manage these issues, one that was cost effective and that would help me stop running from one emergency to the next."

Chuck Kable
Chief Legal Officer


Axiom Medical wanted a matter management solution that would help them manage their legal matters, but also a solution that would give them the ability to track and report on their performance as a Legal Department.

Chuck had a good perspective on the workflows that he wanted to implement and the metrics that he’d love to be able to see and to report back to the board about regarding Legal Department performance. After looking at a number of vendors, Xakia's matter management software was "by far the best solution for [their] small team."

Chuck describes Xakia’s reporting package as an "out-of-the-box solution" that gave the in-house Legal Department the level of sophistication that they sought, almost immediately.

Legal teams are going to be judged by the rest of the business based on how good a job they’re doing. By being able to record and report on our efforts, Xakia helps demonstrate Legal Department value.

Chuck Kable
Chief Legal Officer


After implementing Xakia's legal matter management software, the corporate legal department has established a solid matter management process and a better reporting relationship with the C-suite.

After the exponential revenue growth experienced during COVID started to decline, the Legal Department was reduced to two, Chuck as Chief Legal Officer and a Legal Operations Assistant.

“Having implemented Xakia when I had a larger team and moving to a state where I am essentially doing all of the tactical legal work myself, Xakia as a tool, has been invaluable to me. I would not have been able to manage that transition if it were not for Xakia.”

Chuck also found that "Legal needs a single source of truth. In many businesses, the Legal Department is forced to interact with many other programs and systems. Xakia acts as the 'single front door' where people can go to requisition legal support."

"I can see what the business needs, what their deadlines are and I have a place to store all relevant information, including emails, documents and even conversations about strategy. It provides transparency and visibility into where I am relative to a deadline on a given matter. If the Sales team wants to know if I’ve looked at a contract yet, they don’t need to send multiple emails and messages, they can login to Xakia for visibility, or provide me (the General Counsel) with real time updates to information or feedback on a matter.

Using Xakia's streamlined legal intake process and internal client portal have been so much more efficient for me."

A woman using legal matter management software
Chuck Kable - Axiom Medical

“Xakia has saved me hundreds of hours of work

Chuck Kable
Chief Legal Officer

Xakia and Axiom Medical case study on legal matter management solutions

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Useful legal matter management resources

Show the value of your Legal Department with Xakia