Small Legal Departments:
Solving Common Pain Points


The movement surrounding legal operations has, unfortunately, been largely skewed toward large Legal Departments. But in-house legal departments of all sizes have pain points. So, how can small Legal Departments address these problems?

Download our white paper to help you identify and solve common pain points of small in-house Legal Departments. Maximize limited resources today!

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The business demands speed and efficiency at scale and legal cannot continue to rely on its expertise to justify inflated headcount, missed deadlines, and bottlenecks.

Axiom Medical

stressed at work

Universal pain points Legal Departments of all sizes experience

For smaller in-house legal teams, your legal operations needs are certainly not smaller than those of the colossal corporate groups. In fact, they are often the same, including:

  • A lack of visibility across the team (and across time)
  • The constant imperative to do more with less
  • Lack of real-time updates on Legal Department spend
  • No meaningful data to drive decision-making

Including these stressors specific to small Legal Departments

Beyond these universal pain points, there are some stressors specific to smaller in-house legal teams, including:

  • Resource scarcity
  • Generalist vs specialist expertise
  • A limited legal budget
  • Institutional knowledge vs. knowledge management
  • Manual legal reporting

For smaller in-house legal teams, the struggle is real, but so are the constraints. So, how can small in-house Legal Departments address these problems?

THE ANSWER: Maximize the utilization of your limited resources

There are solutions that will help you maximize your limited resources and address small legal team pain points

Find out how modern a matter management solution can help you address many of these pain points, helping you save hours every week and maximize impact.

Complete the form and download the whitepaper now to learn more.

Download the white paper now

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When you’re at capacity, you can’t possibly work harder. You need to think about working smarter, gaining capacity by being more efficient and not wasting time on busy work.

Kate Sherburn, Head of Legal

Additional legal matter management resources for small teams


Lessons for small Legal Departments: Productivity insights from Kate Sherburn at Who Gives A Crap


Small Legal Teams Can Achieve Mega Productivity


Make the Most of a Small Legal Budget

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Legal matter management for in-house legal teams who need to ruthlessly triage the chaos